Breastfeeding in a Small Family

Although I do not currently have a small family, I grew up as an only child.  Plus, I do have mothers with small families who come to my local mothers' groups (including my CNML group).

Just like there are logistical considerations when nursing a child in a large family, the same can be true of smaller families.  If you have a toddler and a baby, the toddler may get into mischief while you attend to your baby. There aren't older siblings around to help entertain him and to help keep him safe.  Some moms find a basket of books, toys, photo albums and books on CD only brought out during nursing times as a great way to keep a toddler busy.  Giving your toddler lots of attention and affection throughout the day should also help reduce mischievous attention seeking behavior during nursing sessions.  Another idea is to have your nursing corner in a room with a door that can close so you can feel confident your toddler will not get into anything unsafe while you nurse your baby.

If you have a nursling and do not have other children because your family is just starting (and ecological breastfeeding is working very well) or due to other circumstances, it can be intense at times to be the primary caregiver.  I remember feeling quite lonely when my oldest son was a baby and a toddler and I didn't have any other children yet. Surround yourself with other like minded moms.  Plan several short outings a week so you do not become excessively isolated in your house.  See if your husband can come home for lunch so you have some adult conversation.  If you do not feel comfortable nursing in public, there are a lot of pretty nursing covers out there. 

What about those questions from strangers about when are you planning on having another baby?  If you have only one child and are unable to have a second child - even though your heart desperately wants another - those types of comments can hurt.  Know that most people are just making small talk when they say those things.  They have no idea about your heartache!  I would imagine it still hurts even knowing that.  I encourage you to find solace in Jesus and the Holy Family.  The Blessed Virgin Mary knows your grief - she watched her only son die!  Talk to her and tell her how you feel.  Also, try to really be present when nursing your child. Enjoy him!  Notice all the blessings of your child and your nursing relationship.  Also, ask the mothers on the CNML Facebook group to pray for you.  Maybe they have ideas to help you through this challenge you face?  Your local CNML group, too, can be a source of comfort.  As always, you can request a nursing mother's gift bag from CNML - just send us an email.
