Chronicles of a Catholic Nursing Mother - Week 18

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I haven't posted in a while. I am glad our guest blogger, Maureen, has been posting to help fill in my gaps. My youngest has totally weaned now. For a while there, he was still asking to nurse occasionally, but now he hasn't asked for at least a week or two. I am trying to hold him more so that he still feels connected with me and me with him. Looking forward to nursing a new baby has made the process relatively easy emotionally on me. I feel the baby's movements a little bit more strongly lately. I am actually feeling better physically at this point in my pregnancy than I had expected. I hope it continues. My mid-pregnancy ultrasound is scheduled for this Friday. I am very much looking forward to finding out if the baby's parts are all growing properly and, of course, the gender. We have all sons so far so it should be interesting! My prayer life has been out of sync lately. I am sure that happens to all of us, especially those with young children at home and/or those who are pregnant. All one can do is start fresh with each day and ask God for help to do better.
