The One Year Mark

I just realized that it has been a few weeks since I posted on the CNML blog.  My goal is to post once per week.  If you, my readers, have any suggestions for blog posts or if you would like to submit a post, drop me a line at :)

My baby daughter just turned one year old a week ago.  Even though she is not my first baby,  there is something about that one year mark that brings me relief and a sense of accomplishment.  I feel relieved, because she did not succumb to SIDS or contract a serious illness like RSV.  I try repeatedly to follow the Scripture verse, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."  However, I am weak in this area and still worry from time to time.  

There is also a sense of relief that I made it through early babyhood and all that entails!  She is crawling and standing now.  She can share a lot of what our family eats each day.  She is really growing up.  I am not so much on call anymore.  Of course, it is a little bittersweet, too; babyhood is such a unique time of life.  However, we should try to enjoy all the stages of our children's lives.  Of course, that can be tough when the 4 year old is having his second melt down of the day!

I feel a sense of accomplishment that I birthed a baby and nursed her for a whole year!  Our first year nursing went relatively smoothly, and I look forward to our continued breastfeeding relationship.
