Second Standard of Ecological Breastfeeding by Judith

Hi again! Last week I talked about the first standard in ECOLOGICAL breastfeeding which is to exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first six months.  The second standard that we will discuss this week is pacify your baby at your breast. This not only meets your baby’s emotional needs for bonding and comfort, it also provides those hormonal surges that are needed to maintain amenorrhea.

As La Leche League often explains, using a pacifier can interfere with the supply needed to fulfill the baby’s nutritional requirements. Generally speaking, the more your baby suckles at your breast the more milk is released and your body will naturally regulate the required amount of milk your baby needs without supplementation. If you are using a pacifier too often, your baby will most likely not suckle enough, and you could end up with problems of an inadequate milk supply. There have been times at the beginning of my nursing relationship with my baby when we were in the car, she wouldn’t stop crying and we could not stop so I would use a soother, but these incidents were few and far between. Generally I would nurse her before we left and/ or we would pull up somewhere if she woke looking for me.

There are really so many substitutes on the market for mother love, but really and truly it is so much better for baby to be close to you. I wasn’t breastfed and I definitely feel I missed out in some ways on both the nurturing aspect and the health aspect of breastfeeding as I suffered with separation anxiety, ear infections and stomach allergies; although, to qualify, some people will have ailments,eg celiac disease, despite being breastfed, and my now deceased mother has blessed me abundantly from heaven... She wasn’t perfect and neither am I!

Until next time then, when we will discuss the third standard of ecological breastfeeding  slan go foill!
In the meantime if you would like to do you your own research on the Seven Standards of ECOLOGICAL breastfeeding please go to the Kippley’s website  and search for their books and materials.  You can also look up where you can join the Catholic Nursing Mothers League for online support.


Disclaimer: I am a breastfeeding mother who has used the Seven Standards and experienced 21 months of breastfeeding amenorrhea to date.  No claim is made that ecological breastfeeding is 100% in avoiding pregnancy.   For health issues, see a competent health professional. 
