Eucharistic Adoration (the Visit)

    In the Pauline family (including the Holy Family Institute), Eucharistic Adoration is affectionately called "the Visit," because it is a special time of sharing and visiting between two friends - the adorer and the Eucharistic Jesus.  When my daughter was a baby, I usually took her with me on my nights out by myself because she still nursed often and was not ready to be away from me for too long at one time.  If she fell asleep in the car, I sometimes took out her infant carrier and snapped it into the stroller and went into the adoration chapel.  Usually she slept for a little while so I had some time to "visit" with Jesus.  Other times, she woke up and I nursed her right in the chapel.  How Jesus must enjoy seeing moms nursing their babies!  If your parish has Eucharistic adoration, consider signing up for an hour. My parish has perpetual adoration and there are a few hours with no adorers due to a decrease in volunteers (they have substitutes that fill in).  If your parish is experiencing a similar situation, having an hour all to yourself may be the ideal solution for caring for and nursing a young baby.  Plus, I would imagine that both you and baby get special graces during your "visit."
