A Nursing Mother’s New Year’s Resolution List

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1) I will remember each day that I am a beloved child of God and that God loves me very much.

2) I will remember each day that this mothering work and the nourishing of my baby at my breasts is not only very important and valuable work but also holy work.

3) I will not feel guilty about taking care of myself: showering, eating well, drinking water, resting. By caring for myself, I am also caring for my baby.

4) I will make my relationship with Jesus a priority each day even if it is just means praying while in the shower or while changing my baby’s diaper or simply sitting quietly in God’s loving presence while nursing my baby.

5) I will ask my husband, family, and/or friends for help when needed. It is not possible to do everything especially when you have a nursling. Even Elizabeth accepted help from Mary.

6) I will talk to other moms regularly, so I won’t feel isolated. (One great option is the monthly online Catholic Nursing Mothers meeting.)

Happy New Years!

Written by Gina M. Peterson

What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions? Please share in the comments. Thanks! 
