Time Management for Nursing Moms


(U.S. Breastfeeding Committee)

Here are two of my favorite time management techniques for moms. I hope you find them helpful!

Break Down Jobs into Smaller Tasks

When I was a new nursing mom, I regularly attended my town’s local breastfeeding support group. One idea that I have always remembered from my group and continue to use to this day is: break down jobs into smaller, more manageable tasks. This is a great way for a nursing mom to feel like she has accomplished something even if she doesn’t get the “entire job” done in a day. If you are a checklist person, write down the tasks separately and then check them off as you complete them. 

One example of this might be cleaning the house. When I was a kid, my mom always cleaned the entire house on Saturday mornings. I don’t think she did that when I was a baby, but I remember her doing that as I grew up. Then when I became a mom, I realized that it would definitely be too overwhelming for me to clean my entire house at once, so I decided to break down housework into a few smaller tasks to be done each day. Yes, the whole house isn’t completely clean at once. However, if you have children at home (of any age) who can crawl or walk, you know everything will not stay clean for more than maybe five minutes anyways. Also, I do not think it is realistically possible for a nursing mom to clean her entire house without her husband or a family member holding the baby while she does it.

Another example might be planning for the arts and crafts day you do with other moms and kids. If you are leading the group in two weeks, you could brainstorm the project one day. Then come up with a set of directions another day. Then gather your supplies on another day. Maybe get some toys and snacks together for your nursing toddler who is too young to participate on another day. Then the arts and craft day is the last task. This way you are able to complete everything without feeling overwhelmed and also feel like you accomplished your goal and did a great job! 

The Three Most Important Things of the Day

This time management technique involves thinking about the three most important items you want to get done for the day. Of course, you may have more than three tasks to complete in any given day, but even if you do not get to all of them, you will have at least accomplished the three most important tasks. If you are a list person, you might consider writing the three most important items in all capitals. Then write down any other tasks in all lower case letters. If you get to the tasks in lower case letters, great. However, if you don’t, that is totally fine, too. You might need to let some things go. Remember that the lesser important things can wait. Your goal is to complete the three most important things!

An example of this is: you are a nursing mom of a newborn baby. Your top three list might look like this: 




Taking care of your baby would include nursing, diapers, and cuddling with baby.

Taking care of yourself might include sleeping enough, eating and drinking well, and showering. It can also include doing something you love for even just 15 minutes.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and are enjoying your days with your little one(s)! Remember that taking care of a baby is a full time job and one of the most important jobs! Also, as they say - it is not a sprint but a marathon. You need to pace yourself so you do not burnout and so that you continue to enjoy your time with your family.

Written by Gina M. Peterson

Do you have any favorite time management ideas? Please comment below. Thanks!
