Breastfeeding a Premature Baby

(U.S. Breastfeeding Committee)

This is a big topic, but I wanted to just mention a few things to encourage you and also to give you some resources to help you in nursing your premature baby.

All of my children were born full term, so I can only imagine how overwhelming it is to breastfeed and mother such a tiny baby! I actually was born premature, myself. I only weighed 4 pounds 6 ounces at birth.

I want you to know that your breastmilk is especially important for your baby! Breastfeeding and/or expressing your milk for your baby is one of the the best gifts you can give her right now!

If your baby is able to feed directly at the breast, offer the breast within the first hour and nurse on demand. If baby is sleepy, you might need to wake her to nurse. Lots of skin to skin contact will help baby get interested in the breast and also help keep baby warm.  Ask for a visit with your hospital’s lactation consultant.

If your baby is unable to nurse at the breast, start pumping as soon as you are able. You can hand express colostrum but also ask about a hospital grade electric pump. Ask about the availability of donor milk. Provide lots of skin to skin contact! Talk to your baby, touch her, and hold her if you are able. Also, give it time! Although many premature babies can nurse directly at the breast soon after birth, some need extra time due to health concerns or needing to mature. 

If you would like to be covered in prayer by fellow nursing moms, email CNML and I can add your intention to the Facebook group and email list.

Moms of premies need extra support and encouragement. At least one of our CNML Mentors has experience with nursing a premature baby. She is happy to talk to you to encourage you and to share her personal experience. If you would like to connect with her, please email CNML at


The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s protocol specifically for late preterm infants

Ask Dr. Sears: Nursing Premature Babies

Kangaroo Mother Care (aka skin to skin contact)

Milk Banks in North America

Kellymom: Milk Storage Guidelines for Premature Babies

Kellymom: Establishing and Maintaining Your Milk Supply When Baby is Not Breastfeeding

Written by Gina Peterson

If you have had a premature baby, what advice or information helped you the most when trying to establish breastfeeding? Please share in the comments. Thanks!
