Following Baby’s Natural Reflexes to Help with Breastfeeding

Our online meeting this month was on the topic of following your baby’s natural instincts to help get started with and continue breastfeeding. Christelle Hagen led the meeting and did a wonderful job as usual! I just wanted to touch on just a few key points that she presented. As always our meetings involve so much more than just breastfeeding information! Moms share their personal stories and provide support to each other! Also, questions during the meetings are always welcome!

We are made in the image of God. Your baby was designed by the Creator with special instincts or reflexes to help him or her with breastfeeding and with learning about the world. Breastfeeding tends to go a little more smoothly by tuning into these reflexes.

Some of your baby’s reflexes that help with feeding include: 

baby putting his hands in his mouth, lip smacking, baby moving his hands and legs, baby opening his mouth, licking, rooting, baby bobbing his head, suckling, and swallowing. Amazingly babies who are healthy and full term and placed in a laid back position are often able to crawl to the breast for that first feeding!

The best environment for observing baby’s feeding cues after birth: keep baby with you, delay bathing so baby can taste and smell you, practice skin to skin, and consider trying a laid back position when nursing.

Remember: crying is a late sign of hunger! If your baby is very upset and crying, offer the breast. If he is too upset to nurse right away, try to calm him down and be as relaxed as you can. Then try again.

To sign up for next month’s meeting, go to:

Written by Gina Peterson

Did you try encouraging your baby to do the breast crawl soon after birth? Please share your experience in the comments! Thanks! 
