Jesus will give you His rest



There may be hard days when you do not feel like a masterpiece of God. But guess what? You are! Even when you are less than patient with your child. Even when you make mistakes (we all do!). Even when you feel “touched out” from your little one needing you. Even on days when you don’t love breastfeeding or nursing throughout the night. It is okay to feel this way sometimes! All moms have these kinds of days! 

Jesus tells us to come to Him when we are weary and burdened, and He will give us His rest. This is one of my favorite Scripture passages from Matthew 11:28-30! While you nurse your baby to sleep, tell Jesus all about your burdens. Thank Him for the little joys of the day. Read the Scripture of the day. Listen to the song, “Restless”: . Spend 15 minutes doing something creative or something you enjoy while your baby sleeps. Call a friend and meet her and her children at the park. Take your baby with you to the adoration chapel for a few minutes. Pray the Divine Mercy chaplet while you take baby for a walk around the block. Make yourself some tea, coffee, or hot chocolate and have a special treat while you read some of your favorite inspirational book (Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy by Matthew Kelly is one book I recently read and enjoyed).

Jesus, our hearts are restless until they rest in You! (St. Augustine)

Written by Gina Peterson
