Chronicles of a Catholic Nursing Mother - Week 20

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Today's Scripture readings really hit close to home with me today. "Our ways are not the same as the Lord's ways" reminds me that when I feel in the spotlight with a large family and a baby on the way, God sees my children as gifts not hindrances. It reminds me that although our society glamorizes being able to do whatever one wants without consequence, I am doing what God wants of me. I find myself going back and forth in my feelings about this pregnancy. On the one hand, I am very excited about having a baby girl. On the other hand, I wonder if I can go through birth, breastfeeding and not enough sleep all over again. My children are spread out enough in age due to ecological breastfeeding's wonderful baby spacing effects(!) that I am the only pregnant mom at many of my children's extra-curricular activities. However, now my oldest can ride his bike to the pool or take the bus to a scout meeting. He can also help watch his brothers for a short time when needed. God promises in Scripture that He will always be with us. I will put my trust in the Lord this week as I wrestle with these feelings of mine. For more information on ecological breastfeeding, please contact us at catholicbreastfeeding(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Written by Gina Peterson
