CNML 2021 Year in Review

Since I just finished up all of CNML's charity and tax paperwork, I thought it would be a good time to post an update.

The Catholic Nursing Mothers League grew by leaps and bounds this past year!  We have 4 new US mentors and 8 mentors from India.  2021 is the year that CNML went international!

Our Catholic Nursing Mothers online meetings have been going great thanks to our wonderful mentors, Christelle and Lexy!  We have two meetings a month - a morning session and an evening session.

I mailed out around 24 breastfeeding books.  I also mailed out 80 nursing mom gift bags to the new mentors in India and also several to mentors and nursing moms in the US.  I mailed out a few CNML shirts, too.

Our main facebook group has grown to 1.3K members!  Our other two side groups, CNML Motherhood Group and CNML Ecological Breastfeeding Group have 42 and 36 members respectively.

Several nursing moms received prayer shawls, and I still have a list of moms waiting for shawls.  I will do my best to keep working on them!

This year CNML started offering a light breastfeeding training to interested mentors.  We are reading and discussing The Breastfeeding Book by Martha Sears.

I am very pleased with how well our ministry is doing!  Thank you for all your support!  Helping nursing moms is such an important part of my life! 💓
