Self Care for Moms

Most of these great tips came from Christelle who usually leads our online meetings.  If you would like to try out our online meetings, register at: The meetings only last an hour a month and provide a great time for fellowship among Catholic moms.

1) Attend to your spiritual needs first.  Make time for prayer, Sunday Mass and receiving the sacraments.  Prayer does not have be elaborate.  You can talk to God while you nurse your baby, go about the activities of you day, or even while showering.  

2) Try to eat nourishing meals.  Drink to thirst. Taking a shower is not a luxury but part of self care!

3) Sleep and rest are important.  Try to sleep or at least sit down and rest when your baby is sleeping. The dishes can wait! Also, consider co-sleeping with your baby which can actually help you get more rest at night.

4) If you are a stay at home mom, remember that you are staying home to be a mom, not a housewife. Spending time with you children is more important than having an immaculately clean house.

5) You might need to adjust your expectations about really needs to get done.  Try not to compare your house or routine with someone who has only older kids or even no kids at home. 

6) Remember to fit in things that bring you joy! This will not only make you feel better but will also spill over into mothering.  Your kids will notice your joy!

7) Relationships are more important than how the house looks.  Let go of any shame you might feel if your house doesn’t look a certain way and you have family visiting.  My mother-in-law often tells me that she is coming to see me and my family, not my house!  I think that is definitely the right perspective.

8) Get moving.  Take a walk with your baby.  Do an online or DVD exercise workout while your baby plays next to you. Ask your husband for help in fitting in exercise more often.

9) Stay connected with friends, especially other moms. Our online meeting is a great start!  Also, see if your church or community has moms groups or playgroups.

10) Find ways to keep up with hobbies and skills and try out new interests. It can be something small like crocheting for 10 minutes a day or something bigger depending on the ages of your children.

11) Ask for help!  Everyone needs help sometimes.  It really is okay to ask for help!  You will most likely find out that your fellow mom friends would love to bring you a meal after your baby is born or to watch your child while you go out for an hour to rejuvenate yourself.
