Savor Those Sweet Nursing Moments Even in the Midst of the Storms

(picture of me nursing my daughter)

I breastfed my children for many years, so I know that there are sometimes challenging times as a nursing mom. I remember engorgement, sore nipples, injured nipples, milk spraying out everywhere, baby not latching or gaining well, lack of sleep, etc. I have friends who had very premature babies who spent weeks or months in the ICU and friends whose babies had long term feeding issues. Those must have been especially difficult situations to navigate! Being a mom can be so overwhelming at times! However, I believe that Jesus is right there next to you, holding you, and helping you get through the storms.

Even if breastfeeding has not been going well for you lately, I encourage you to try to focus on the times when it is going well (and know that things will get better soon so hang in there!). Savor the sweet moments when baby nurses well and drifts off peacefully to sleep at your breast. Take part in the exuberant joy your older baby feels when she makes the sign for milk and gets so excited about nursing! Be glad when your overwhelmed, melting down toddler nurses and a calmness washes over him. Those are the moments, in particular, that I hope you will treasure! 

Some ideas to help you savor the moments:

  • Ask your husband, mom or a friend to take pictures of you nursing your baby. You will be happy to have those pictures after your baby has weaned!
  • Keep a little journal or even a private blog to document the cute little things your child does or says.
  • Make a nursing scrapbook.
  • While nursing your baby, you could pray for your baby, ask God to help you enjoy breastfeeding, and also thank God for the gift of your baby.
  • Buy a special necklace for yourself that contains a drop of your breastmilk or a necklace that represents your breastfeeding journey.
  • However, the best way, in my opinion, to treasure the sweet nursing moments is to slow down and be truly present for them. It is impossible to do that all day every day, but I encourage you to do that at least once a day. Take a few minutes to gaze at your nursing baby’s face and soak up the beauty and tranquility. 
Written by Gina Peterson

Please share a favorite nursing moment in the comments!
