Some Benefits of Staying Home with Your Nursing Baby

I want to start out by acknowledging that there are nursing moms who truly cannot stay home with their babies due to various life circumstances. I am really inspired by these nursing moms who pump at work to keep the breastfeeding relationship going even though they need to work outside the home. I hope one day all nursing moms are able to choose to be at home with their babies!

Here are several benefits of staying home with your nursing baby:

1. Staying home reduces the risk of breastfeeding problems. 

I lead a breastfeeding support group in my town and one thing that really stands out is that those moms who work and regularly use bottles tend to have more issues with latching, mastitis and abscesses, and early weaning.

2. Staying home reduces the need for breast pumps, bottles, and storage containers needed when working outside the home and also reduces the work from cleaning all the items.

3. Staying home with your nursing baby gives you more time to learn her nursing cues and more time to bond with her.

4. Staying home with your nursling contributes to a good milk supply. 

By exclusively nursing at the breast, there is a better chance for a good milk supply and also extra time for comfort nursing which is great for baby and for mom (delay of cycles returning).

5. Staying home means more time for baby snuggles and sleepy milk smiles!

Written by Gina Peterson

What is your favorite benefit of staying home with your nursing baby? Please leave a comment below. Thanks!
