Dear Mom Who is Unable to Exclusively Breastfeed
(U.S. Breastfeeding Committee)
Sometimes health concerns, not having sufficient breast tissue, and other circumstances beyond a mom’s control can make it impossible for her to exclusively breastfeed her baby. If you, dear mom, find yourself in this situation, know that you are a good mom! I bet you nurse your baby around the clock, triple feed, drink nursing mother tea, and obsess about every ounce of breast milk you pump and every ounce of weight your baby gains. You may have seen one or more lactation consultants to no avail. You are probably doing more than the average mom to feed your baby your milk!
You may be grieving the absence of the exclusive breastfeeding relationship you had so hoped for. Let yourself grieve. Tell Jesus all about your feelings of sadness, guilt, possibly anger, loneliness, and anything else you may be feeling. Visit Jesus in your church’s adoration chapel. Even if others do not understand, Jesus does! Consider attending CNML’s online meeting on the first Thursday of the month. Other Catholic nursing moms would love to support and encourage you! Also, you can email CNML and we can pray for you.
Remember that any breast milk you can provide for your baby is a gift! Even if you need to supplement, your milk still contains wonderful antibodies and immunological properties and nutrients for your growing baby. And the supplement you need to give your baby is also a gift! Praise God for the donor milk or formula that is an available to help nourish your baby!
Written by Gina Peterson
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