Encouragement for Moms from the Sears family

I don’t know if you are familiar with Dr. William and Martha Sears. They are the parents of eight children and grandparents of many grandchildren. William is a pediatrician and Martha is a nurse and lactation consultant. They are also Catholic.

I looked on Dr. William and Martha Sears’s website and found a great list of ideas for celebrating moms on Mother’s Day. You might find a few ideas that your family can gift to you this Mother’s Day.

I also found a wonderful quote from Dr. Sears about moms: “I believe the highest degree is not “M.D.” or “Ph.D.” - it’s MOM.”

To hear more about Martha Sears’s mothering experience, listen to this podcast.

Here is an excerpt from Martha Sears and her daughters’ book, The Healthy Motherhood Journal.

Here are a few articles from AskDrSears to help encourage you when motherhood is challenging: Being Authentic as a MomAvoiding Mommy Burnout, and Tips to Let Go of Perfectionism.

Happy Mother’s Day from the Catholic Nursing Mothers League!

Written by Gina Peterson
