Looking Back with Fondness

I definitely had challenging times as a breastfeeding mom. 

My first son lost a fair amount of weight and wasn’t latching and gaining well. I was so scared! But then after my local lactation consultant helped me, things got better and my dream to exclusively breastfeed my baby came true! Even though things went well with my first after our bumpy start, there were smaller nursing difficulties along the way like teething, my son waking more at night, and toddler latching issues. Also, it took a long time for my son (and really all my children) to take to solids after six months of age.

After my second was born, breastfeeding went well but he wanted to cluster feed in the evenings sometimes until eleven or twelve o’clock at night in those first weeks! It was exhausting! I co-slept with all my kids but I think because my son was so new, I felt compelled to stay up with him until he settled in for the night.

With my third son I had mastitis. 

Then I remember with my fourth son I had some latching issues in the beginning. Even though I was already a lactation consultant, myself, I just wanted to drive to the next town and be a regular mom at one of their breastfeeding meetings!

My youngest - my only daughter - is now 12 years old. She weaned years ago. The hardest part of breastfeeding her was the ending, actually. I breastfed my little ones for a total of 15 years so when she weaned, I went through a little bit of a grieving process.

I know the nursing challenges I had were very minor compared to what some of my friends have had over the years and maybe what you are going through right now. I want you to know that I care about you! If you need any help, please feel free to email me at catholicbreastfeeding@yahoo.com and I will do my best to help you through your breastfeeding struggles. And we have 30+ CNML mentors around the world who would love to help you, too!

Even though breastfeeding so many kids for so many years had its difficulties, I do not regret it for a moment! Those were some of the best years of being a mom! Those sweet milky smiles. Being able to comfort a toddler who is melting down. Feeling needed. Relaxing at the end of a long day in a recliner with my nursing baby. Enjoy!

Written by Gina M. Peterson
